“我”的和諧創建故事 My Harmonious Creation Story

----厚德載物  正通人和 和諧社會,你我共建,和諧企業,你我共創。2022年8月,國家爲進一步提高社會對和諧勞動關系創建活動的關注度、認知度、參與度,促進廣大企業與職工更加積極、主動參與和諧勞動關系創建活動,擴大創建活動影響力,激發創建活力,開展了以“我的和諧創建故事&rd

----Be virtuous and upright In a harmonious society, we build together; in a harmonious enterprise, we create together. In August 2022, to further inc

2022-08-11 18:54

克拉瑪依市委副書記、市長石崗到公司調研指導工作 Shi Gang, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Karamay Municipal Committee and Mayor, Visited the Company for Research and Guidance

(通訊員羅明)2022年7月29日上午,克拉瑪依市委副書記、市長石崗一行到公司調研指導工作。公司副總師以上領導參加了會議。 會上,公司書記、監事會主席、工會主席歐陽良梅對石崗市長一行的到來表示歡迎和感謝。市場總監李鋒就公司基本情況、上半年生産經營狀況及存在問題、工作建議等進行了彙報。随後,與會人員重

(Correspondent Luo Ming) On the morning of July 29, 2022, Shi Gang, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Karamay Municipal Committee and Mayor, and his delegat

2022-07-29 16:01

自治區工信廳到訪公司 The Autonomous Region Industry and Information Technology Department Visited the Company


On June 16, 2022, Peng Ji, the first-level inspector of the Autonomous Region D Industry and Information Technology Department, and his delegation wen

2022-06-16 18:42

公司多種形式 慶祝“五一”勞動節,紀念“五四”青年節
公司多種形式 慶祝“五一”勞動節,紀念“五四”青年節 The Comanpy Take Diverse FormsVarious forms of companies Celebrating May 1st Labor Day and Commemorating China's Youth Day

近日,公司積極開展各種活動,慶祝“五一”勞動節,紀念“五四”青年節。 4月27日,公司工會組織節日慰問品,分送到正在疆内施工的每支隊伍。向疆外施工的壓裂1隊、2隊,海外施工的尼日爾項目部發放了節日慰問費用。 4月28日,公司機關、車隊、壓裂隊35歲以下

Recently, the company has actively conducted various activities to celebrate May 1st Labor Day and commemorate China's Youth Day. On April 27, the co

2022-05-04 16:05

公司召開2022年生産啓動會 The Company Held the 2022 Production kick-off Meeting


On the morning of April 11, the company convened its 2022 Production Kick-off Meeting in Meeting Room 1 of the Administration Building. A total of 30

2022-04-11 15:57

公司與克拉瑪依職業技術學院“攜手”共建産教融合實訓基地 The Company and Karamay Vocational & Technical College Join Hands to Build a Training Base for the Integration of Industry and Education


The purpose is to strengthen the exchange of professional and technical talents in the company, improve the quality of talents, further promote traini

2022-03-11 18:49