- 主營業務 - Main business
正通油氣鑽井公司擁有35支鑽井隊,1個定向井公司,1個固井公司,有25年鑽井曆史。配備了經驗豐富的專業管理人員200多人,年鑽井進尺近30萬米,完井800口井以上。 Zhengtong Oil &Gas Drilling Co.,Ltd.has 35 drilling teams,1 directional well company and 1 well cementing company,with a drilling history of 25 years.With more than 200 experienced professional management personnel,itcan achieve an annual drilling footage of nearly 300,000m and completemore than 800 wells.
正通油氣壓裂分公司有84台壓裂車(2000型壓裂車20台、2500型壓裂車64台)、儀表車共有5台(傑瑞儀表車3台、三一儀表車車2台)、混砂車共有5台(傑瑞混砂車3台、三一儀混砂車2台)、傑瑞高壓管彙車1台、四機賽瓦混配撬2台,近12萬水馬力壓裂車組。可同時開展1-3個工作面的施工作業,年施工能力在1000井層以上,施工排量可達16—18m³/min 以上,施工壓力可達120MPa, 砂比可達55%,能進行直井、定向井、水平井的壓裂。公司所屬壓裂研究所具有壓裂設計、壓裂液配制、井下工具設計與施工等能力 Zhengtong Oil &Gas Fracturing Branch boasts 84 fracturing trucks (2000 type fracturing truck 20, 2500 type fracturing truck 64),5 instrument trucks (3 Jereh instrument trucks and 2 SANY instrument trucks),sand tank trucks (3 Jereh sand tank trucks and 2 SANY sand tank trucks),one Jereh high pressure manifold truck,andtwo SJS mixing skid.With the total capacity of the fracturing truck units of 12,000 WHP,it can carry out operations on 1-3 working faces at the same time.The annual capacity is more than 1000 well-layers,the displacement exceeds 16-18 m³/min,the constructionpressure can be up to 120 MPa,and the sand ratio can reach 55%.It can complete the fracturing of vertical wells,directional wells and horizontal wells.The fracturing research institute affiliated to the Company has the capabilities of fracturingdesign,fracturing fluid preparation,and downhole tool design and construction.
· 技術能力 · Technical Capacity
具備淺層井、大斜度定向井、水平井、SGDA 水平井、深井及高溫高壓深井等多種井型及1.35-1.60g/cm³的低密度水泥體系、1.89g/cm³常規水泥漿密度體系、2.35g/cm³ 加重水泥漿密度體系等多種水泥漿體系的設計與施工能力。能夠同時進行4-6口井的固井作業。 It is able to design and drill various types of wells,such as shallow wells, highly deviated directional wells,horizontal wells,SGDA horizontal wells,deep wells and high temperature &high pressure deep wells,and various cement slurry systems,such as 1.35-1.60 g/cm³low density slurry system,1.89 g/cm³conventional density slurry system and 2.35 g/cm³enhanced density slurry system.It is able to complete the cementing of 4-6 wells simultaneously.
· 主要業績 · Outstanding Achievements
完成固井作業5300餘井次,固井合格率100%,優質率90%。作業區塊已遍及新疆油田準噶爾盆地各油田井區。 It completed the cementing of more than 5300 wells with 100%pass rate and 90%high quality rate.Operation blocks have been spread all over the well areas of each oil field in Junggar Basin,Xinjiang.
- 業務區域 - Service area
- 其他領域 -Other fields

新疆正通路橋工程有限公司,其系正通油氣投資成立的控股公司,公司注冊資 金3008萬元,企業淨資産4006.8萬元,主營業務爲公路、橋梁工程和油田地面建 設工程施工。企業資質爲公路工程施工總承包貳級。現有各類工程技術人員130人, 近三年最高年收入達8000萬元以上。擁有各類公路施工主要機械設備120餘台,綜 合施工能力有了顯著提高。綜合三十七年來的公路施工業績等條件,公司獲得了新 疆維吾爾自治區建設廳頒發的公路工程施工總承包貳級資質,可承擔一級标準及 以下公路工程的施工。

三十七年以來,公司承攬的項目累計481項,累計修建二級以上公路路基500 公裏以上,累計修建高級、次高級路面380萬平方米左右。承建油田管道工程近 百幹米,承建了各類油田計量站及集油(氣)站的建設。完成的每一項工程都以 質量好、速度快而著稱,所完成工程的合格率均達100%,優質率達85%。

三十七年以來,公司積累了豐富的實踐經驗和較高的管理水平,并成爲一個 優質高速、敢打硬仗的現代化築路施工企業,受到各級領導的好評和公認,在經 濟效益和社會信譽上都享有一定的聲譽;在新疆石油系統築路和油建行業中,不 論在實力和設備能力上都名列前茅;在長期的相互協作中曾多次被甲方評爲“ 守合同、重質量”的單位。新疆正通路橋工程有限公司堅持“面向市場、公平 競争、以質量求生存,以效益求發展”的經營宗旨,以“構築精品工程、創造 滿意服務”爲質量方針,不斷深化改革,加強内部管理,已經成長爲一個擁有 雄厚技術力量、各類工程設備先進、齊備,能夠滿足各種築路施工需要并具有


Xinjiang Zhengtong Road &Bridge Engineering Co.,Ltd.,a wholly-owned subsidiary established by Xinjiang Zhengtong Oil &Gas Company Limited,has a registered capital of RMB 30.08 million and a net asset of RMB 40.068 million.It main business is the construction of highways,bridges and oilfield surface buildings.It has the qualification of Grade II General Contracting of Highway Construction Projects.It has 130 engineers and technicians,and the highest annual income exced RMB 80 million in the latest 3 years.It boasts more than 120 sets of major mechanical equipment for highway construction,and its comprehensive construction capacity has been significantly improved.Based on the highway construction performance and other conditions in the past 37 years,the Company won the qualification of Grade II General Contractingof Highway Construction Project issued by the Department of Construction of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and can undertake the highway engineering construction of and below the Grade I.

Over the past 37 years,the Company has accomplished a total of 481 contracts,built more than 500 km long highway subgrade above GradeII,and about 3.8 million square meters of high-grade and  sub-high-grade pavement.It has contracted to build nearly hundreds of thousand of oil field pipeline engineering and many types of oilfield metering station and oil(gas)gathering station.Every finished project was praised for its high quality and fast speed.The qualification rate and merit factor all reaches 100%and 85%,respectively.

With 37 years of construction practice,the Company has accumulated a wealth of practical experience and a higher level of management,and become a high-quality and high-speed modern road-building construction enterprise that dares to join a tough fight.Praised and widely accepted by leaders at all levels,the Company enjoys a certain reputation for economic benefits and social credit.In the road engineering and oil construction industries of Xinjiang's petroleum sector,the Company ranks among the top in terms of strength and equipment capabilities.It has repeatedly been rated a“contract-abiding and quality-oriented”enterprise by employers many  times  in  long-term  mutual  cooperation.Xinjiang  Zhengtong  Road  &Bridge  Engineering  Co.,Ltd. adheres to the business tenet  of “market-oriented,fair  competition,seeking  subsistence  with  quality,and seeking  development  with  effectiveness”,regards“building  excellent  projects  and  providing  satisfactory service”as  the  quality  policy,constantly   deepens  reform   and  strengthens  internal  management.It  has developed into an excellent team with solid technical strength,various advanced and completed engineering equipment,and market competitiveness and has met road building construction requirements.


2016年,正通油氣爲了完善服務鏈條,提升油田綜合服務能力,成立了正通化工公司。主 要爲油田提供鑽井液、壓裂液、酸化液、采油助劑、提高采收率助劑和環保用助劑,是集生 産、試驗、服務于一體的油田化工公司。


正通化工以中國石油大學爲依托,擁有自己的生産基地和完善的檢測、試驗和研發儀器及 設備;公司擁有一批專業技術和經驗豐富的技術人才和管理人才,爲企業的産品質量和服務提供了保證。



正通化工将通過自主發展并與中國石油大學、西南石油大學、中國石油勘探開發研究院等 多所大學和研究院所緊密合作,不斷引進新技術,開發新産品,占領技術制高點,爲正通油氣的發展提供新動力。

In  2016,Zhengtong  Oil  &Gas  established  Zhengtong  Chemical  Company  in  order  to  improve  the  service  chain and   enhance   the   comprehensive   service   capacity   of   the   oilfield.It   mainly   provides   drilling   fluids,fracturing fluids,acidizing     fluids,oil     recovery     additives,enhanced     recovery     additives,and      environmental     protection  additivesfor   oilfields.It   is   an   oilfield   chemical   company   integrating   production,testing,and   service.At   present, it  has  initially  become  an  engineering  service  provider  with  chemicals  as  the  core  product  and  engineering services  as  the  guiding  direction,and  gradually  has  a  number  of  special  and  characteristic  technologies.

Relying  on  the  China  University  of  Petroleum,Zhengtong  Chemical  has  its  own  production  base  and  complete testing   and   R&D   instruments    and   equipment.The   company   has    a   group   of   professional    and   experienced technical   and   management   talents,which   provides   a   guarantee   for   the   product   quality   and   service   of   the enterprise.

Zhengtong   Chemical   provides    chemical   products   and    services   required   for   water    injection,acid   fracturing, heavy   oil   cold   recovery,oil   and   gas   reservoir   plugging   removal,sand   control,water   plugging,profile   control, nitrogen   and   carbon   dioxide   oil   displacement,oil   displacement,etc.

The  service  areasare  distributed  in  regionsin  China  such  as  Xinjiang  Oilfield,Shengli  Oilfield,Liaohe  Oilfield, and   Changqing    Oilfield;and   in    regions    in   foreigncountries    including    Mongolia,Kazakhstan,Iran,Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan,and    Saudi    Arabia.

Through   independent    development    and    close   cooperation   with    China    University   of   Petroleum,Southwest Petroleum   University,China   Institute   of   Petroleum   Exploration   and   Development,and   other   universities   and research   institutes,Zhengtong   Chemical   will    continuously   introduce   new   technologies,develop   new   products, occupy  the  commandingheights  of  technology,and  provide  new  impetus  for  the  development  of  Zhengtong  Oil &Gas.


2008年,《國家危險廢物名錄》将泥漿廢棄物、油泥等列爲危廢品,2015年1月1日新環 保法的實施強化了環保的意識和措施。爲适應環保形勢的發展,2016年成立正通環境公司。主要爲石油和石化行業提供環保處理技術和環保用化學處理劑産品。





正通環境同中科院理化所、中國環境科學研究院、同濟大學、中國節能環保集團等院校、 研究機構和知名企業開展合作,實現強強聯合,做到了及時檢測,及時調整工藝方法,爲危廢 處理質量和效果提供了保障。公司服務範圍涉及新疆油田、遼河油田、吉林油田、大慶油田、勝利石化等區域。

In 2008,slurry waste,oil sludge,etc.were listed as hazardous wastes in the National Catalogue of Hazardous Wastes.On January  1,2015,the  implementation  of the  new  environmental  protection  law  strengthened  the awareness and measures of environmental protection.In order to adapt to the development of environmental protection,Zhengtong  Environment  Company  was  established  in  2016.It  mainly  provides  environmental protection treatment technology and chemical treatment agent products for the petroleum and petrochemical industries.

The environmental protection treatment technologies owned by Zhengtong Environment include: Oil-based and water-based slurry waste non-spillage treatment and slurry recycling technology;

Reuse technology and treatment service for fracturing fluid and flowback fluid;ultrafiltration reverse osmosis treatment technology for fracturing fluid and flowback fluid;

The above technologies are characterized by simple operation,easy management,and low operation cost.They not only reduce environmentalpollution,realize recycling and full utilization of waste,but also reduceproduction costs and improve production benefits.

At present,Zhengtong Environment has 3 sets of non-spillage slurry treatment equipment,with an annual slurry treatment capacity of 100,000 cubicmeters,and 3 sets of oil sludge treatment equipment,with an annual oil sludge treatment capacity of 100,000 cubic meters.The treatment indexes meet the oilfield or local standards.

Zhengtong Environment has cooperated with the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences,Tongji University,China Energy Conservation and  Environmental Protection  Group,and  other  universities,research  institutions,and well-known  enterprises  to  realize strong alliance,so as to achieve timely detection and timely adjustment of processmethods,thus providing guarantee for the quality and effect of hazardous waste treatment.The service scope of the company covers  XinjiangOilfield,Liaohe Oilfield,Jilin Oilfield,Daqing Oilfield,Shengli Petrochemical,and other areas.


2014年,成立正通國際事業部,負責海外項目的考察、篩選、 論證、商務談判及項目實施。2016年在迪拜成立新疆正通國際有限 公司,負責中亞各國及蒙古國、阿富汗、巴基斯坦、伊朗等國家的項 目具體實施。

公司成立以來,累計完成國際項目價值工作量伍仟萬美元。已 經開展業務的國家有蒙古國、阿富汗、尼日爾、利比亞、哈薩克斯坦、巴基 斯坦、沙特等國家和地區。目前正積極與阿富汗國家石油公司 接洽,拟進行相關油氣田的勘探開發合作。公司計劃購置優良 的海外工程技術公司及購買油田區塊等上遊資産。

正通國際将不斷提高項目管理水平,提高油田工程技術服務的 業務水平,打造一隻技術過硬能打硬仗的海外作業隊伍,以領先的技 術和優質的服務來赢得業主的信任。同時加強員工培訓,打造海外施 工的精英團隊。發揮正通國際在北京的優勢,加強國際人才的招聘 力度,吸引更優秀的管理者加入海外項目管理和施工的團隊。

In  2014,Zhengtong  International  Business  Department  was  established  to  be responsible  for the  investigation,selection,demonstration,business negotiation,and project implementation of overseas projects.In 2016,Xinjiang Zhengtong International Co.,Ltd.was established in Dubai toberesponsible for the specific implementation of projects in Central Asian countries,Mongolia,Afghanistan,Pakistan,Iran,and other countries.

Since its establishment,the company has completed a total of USD 50 million worth of international projects.The countries and regions where businesses have been carried  out   include   Mongolia,Afghanistan,Niger,Libya,Kazakhstan,Pakistan,Saudi   Arabia,and other countries and regions.At present,it is actively negotiating with Afghanistan National PetroleumCorporation to carry out exploration and development cooperation of relevant oil and gas fields.The company plans to purchase excellent overseas engineering technology companies and upstream assets such as oilfield blocks.

Zhengtong International will continuously improve the project management level, improve the professional level of oilfield engineering technical services,and builda highly-skilled and tough overseas operation team to win the trust of employers with  leading technology and high-quality services.At the same time,strengthen employee  training  to  build  an  elite  team  for  overseas  construction.Give  full  play  to  the advantages  ofZhengtong  International  in  Beijing,strengthen  the  recruitment  of international  talents,and  attract  better  managers  to  join  the   overseas  project management and construction team.


工程技術研究開發中心是公司的 核心技術部門,負責公司的技術引進、 科研攻關、專利申請等,2021年成爲 第26批次自治區企業技術中心。中心 現有成員17人,其中高級職稱8人, 中級職稱5人。

以工程技術研究開發中心的技術 專家牽頭,部門技術骨幹和基層隊相 關技術人員參與,負責公司承擔的公司級、區級和市級的各項科研項目的 研究工作。

公司成立10餘年來,共計完成公司級科研項目25項,區級項目8項、市級項目2 項(含重大專項1項)。

公司重視知識産權發展,現有鑽井、固井、壓裂等方面的專利32項,其中發明專 利8項,實用新型專利24項,發表技術專著3部,專業論文30餘篇。


以技術中心爲基礎,以新疆四大油田爲發展基地,開拓中亞及其它國際石油天然氣研究 與技術服務市場,快速擴大國際市場份額。



The Engineering Technology R&D Center is the core  technology  department  of  the  Company, responsible   for   the   technology   introduction, scientific   research   and   patent   application.In 2021,it  was  included  in  the  26th  batch  of enterprise technology centers of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.The center has 17 members, including  8  members  with  senior  professional titles and 5 with junior/intermediate professional titles.

Technical experts of the Engineering Technology R&D  Center lead  and technical backbones of departments     and      grass-roots      technicians participate  in  the  research  work  of  scientific research projects at the company,district and

municipal levels undertaken by the Company.The Company has completed 25 company-level research projects,8 district-level projects and 2 municipal-level projects (including 1 major special project)over the past 10 years since its establishment.

The Company attaches great importance to the development of intellectual property rights,owns 32 patents in drilling, cementing and fracturing,including 8 patents for invention and 24 patents for utility models,and has published 3 technical monographs and more than 30 professional papers.

With scientific research as the foundation for enterprise development,the Company rapidly expands the scale and improves the economic returns by providing competitive technical services.

Based on the Technical Center,with the four major oilfields in Xinjiang as the development base,the Company continuously exploits the oil and gas research and technical service markets in Central Asia and other countries,and rapidly expands its international market share.

Fields:conventional and unconventional oil and gas exploration,development and engineering;

Contents:research,consultation,technology integration and supporting,engineeringand technical services;

Market:continuously exploiting the oil and gas research and technical service markets in Central Asia and other countries by taking the western oilfields as the market and the four major oilfields in Xinjiang as the base.