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新疆正通石油天然氣股份有限公司 Xinjiang Zhengtong Oil and Natural Gas Co., LTD
新疆正通石油天然氣股份有限公司(簡稱“正通油氣”)前身是“新疆正通實業有限公司”,成立于2000年12月。注冊資本:貳億壹仟捌佰叁拾陸萬元人民币。注冊地址:克拉瑪依市石化工業園區金西一街6200号。 Xinjiang Zhengtong Oil & Gas Co., Ltd (abbreviated as “Zhengtong Oil & Gas”), formerly known as Xinjiang Zhengtong Industry Co., Ltd., was established in December 2000.Registered Capital: RMB 218 million. Registered address: 6200 First Street, Alfred Kinsey, Karamay petrochemical industrial park.
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井隊 Drilling crew
壓裂隊 Fracturing crew
年産值近 Annual value near
餘台 units
配套設備 Supporting equipment
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公司舉辦外語培訓班 The company holds foreign language training courses
(通訊員趙莉)2024年09月14日上午,在公司基地一樓會議室,公司外語培訓班正式開課。公司機關及施工隊伍骨幹人員共59人參加。培訓班分英語和俄語兩個班,培訓班爲期5個月。此次培訓聘請了專業的英語及俄語老師。 随着公司海外業務的不斷發展,對外語人才的需求也越來越大。同時,具備良好的外語能力也是對外溝通交流合作的基礎。公司舉辦這次培訓班,旨在通過集中專門強化學習,掌握、提高員工外語能力,爲公司儲備人才及海外戰略提供保障和打下堅實的基礎。 開課前,舉行了隆重的開班儀式。公司高級顧問李月廷出席開班儀式并做了重要講話。 李月廷指出,此次培訓是公司實施“走出去”戰略的重要舉措之一。在當今全球化的經濟形勢下,石油行業競争激烈,拓展海外市場成爲公司發展的重要戰略方向。我們必須要不斷提升自身實力,積極拓展海外市場。此次外語技能提升培訓旨在爲員工提供專業的語言學習平台,幫助他們掌握鑽井領域的專業英語知識,提高與國際同行的溝通交流水平。 李月廷強調,此次培訓不僅是對員工個人能力的提升,更是公司整體實力的增強。希望全體員工珍惜這次學習機會,努力提升自己的外語水平,更好地與國際合作夥伴進行溝通與合作,爲公司的海外業務拓展貢獻力量。 培訓過程中,老師結合石油鑽井行業的特點和實際需求,制定了系統的培訓課程。課程内容涵蓋鑽井專業術語、商務英語溝通技巧、跨文化交流等多個方面。通過課堂講授、案例分析、小組讨論和模拟演練等多種教學方式,讓學員在輕松愉快的氛圍中學習和掌握外語技能。 參加培訓的學員紛紛表示,此次培訓機會難得,他們将珍惜這次學習機會,努力提升自己的外語水平。相信通過此次培訓,公司的員工隊伍将更加專業和國際化,爲公司在海外市場上赢得更多的機會和競争優勢。 正通公司将以此次外語培訓爲契機,不斷加強人才培養和團隊建設,提升公司的核心競争力,積極拓展海外市場,加強與國際合作夥伴的合作,爲推動石油行業的發展和區域經濟的繁榮做出更大的貢獻。
中秋節領導慰問一線員工 Mid-autumn Festival leaders to console front-line staff
(通訊員羅明)金秋送爽,丹桂飄香。在中秋節即将來臨之際,9月14日,受公司董事長委托,副總機械師何軍旗、泥漿總監謝軍,财務總監李梅生、副總工程師李靖分别前往正在施工的鑽井30002隊、40019隊開展慰問活動。 公司領導爲鑽井隊送去了羊、月餅,以及專門從大農業基地采摘的綠色無公害蘋果。向全體一線員工送上節日的祝福,向他們節日期間堅守崗位、辛勤工作表示感謝。 慰問期間,公司領導詢問了生産及員工生活情況,要求鑽井隊伍加強安全管理工作,确保節日期間生産平穩運行。 公司領導的慰問關心,讓一線員工倍感溫暖,深受鼓舞。大家紛紛表示,一定不辜負領導的期望和重托,抓好節日安全生産,全力投入到工作中,多鑽井,鑽好井,嚴控陳本,爲公司全年各項生産經營目标的完成再創佳績。 公司綜合辦公室、安全環保部、鑽井項目部負責人參加慰問活動。
公司完成煤層氣鑽壓一體化項目 The company completes the coalbed methane drilling pressure integration project
(通訊員:羅明)近日,煤層氣項目部傳來喜訊,公司承擔的亞新煤層氣集團FK7井鑽壓一體化項目順利完工。 FK7井位于煤層氣阜康1區,設計井深3097m,實際完鑽井深2860m。2023年12月1日開鑽,2024年3月9日,共計115天。 FK7井爲典型山前構造井,地質條件複雜,地層壓力高、溫度高,施工風險高、難度大。爲确保鑽井按期完成,公司鑽井隊伍冒着零下30度嚴寒天氣,放棄春節團聚,堅守崗位。技術專家全力把控井下異常,确保了鑽井進度平穩推進。 公司高度重視FK7井鑽壓一體化項目。抽調鑽井、壓裂各路專家組建煤層氣項目部,統一協調指揮。項目由鑽井50001隊、壓裂1隊、壓裂2隊共同承擔。裝備、物資保障靠前服務,精細化控制,确保了項目的安全優質高效。項目期間,公司董事長多次到現場鼓舞士氣。要求鉚足幹勁、确保安全、全力鑽進。 FK7 井壓裂自6月4日開始準備,組織搬遷設備、技術人員現場布局、連接車組,提前聯機調試混砂儀表等。6月12日開始施工,7月4日完成全部壓裂任務。 FK7 J2x 煤層施工難度大,存在地層低滲透、岩性緻密、非均質性強等諸多複雜。壓裂過程中,在亞新煤層氣集團開發管理部、一五六勘查公司、技術研究院等衆多專家的悉心指導下,壓裂隊通過變更施工液體體系、更換105井口四通及雙平闆閥控制井口等措施,4天完成3級施工,最高施工壓力83MPa,打破了煤層氣井施工的最高壓力。 FK7鑽壓一體化項目的順利完工,用實力證明了公司鑽井壓裂隊伍是一支勇于攻堅、敢打硬仗、能打勝仗的隊伍。公司将圍繞新疆亞新煤層氣集團的需求,勇于挑戰,不斷提升煤層氣鑽壓一體化服務水平,積累經驗,助力新疆不斷将煤層氣資源優勢轉化爲經濟優勢,做強做優煤層氣開發主業,爲自治區煤層氣的綜合開發利用做出新的貢獻。
正通公司“五一”送溫暖活動 Zhengtong Company's "May Day" Warm Initiative
近日,正值第134個五一勞動節到來之際,正通公司由副總經理兼安全總監包明魁等相關領導成立慰問小組,前往生産作業現場慰問節日期間堅守在一線的員工,向他們送去節日的溫暖,并傳達董事長對生産一線員工的關心。 慰問組每到一個生産作業點,詳細了解施工作業情況及人員生活問題,對節日期間堅守在一線作業人員給予親切的問候。 慰問組到達鑽井施工現場,看到員工們節日期間精神抖擻、有條不紊工作時,說到:“能看到員工有這樣的精氣神,對完成全年的工作任務就更有信心了”。同時,在與井隊負責人座談時,副總經理兼安全總監包明魁強調:“今年開工以來,淺層井搬家頻繁,各隊要切實重視和加強安全管理,把安全生産以人爲本的理念要貫穿于整個生産過程,提出“人員安全了才是真正的關心員工,才是給予員工最大的福利”,必須要做好安全管理工作,要求項目部和現場管理人員盡責履職,切實将安全工作作爲壓倒一切的頭等大事來抓。 最後,他說:”面對複雜多變的市場環境,管理人員要鞭策員工調整好心态,實現公司與個人雙赢;要在思想上引導員工珍惜來之不易的市場份額,積極主動行動起來,在确保安全的前提下精心組織施工,相信未來必将會取得斐然的業績。(文/圖 馮宇) Recently, on the occasion of the 134th May Day, Zhengtong Company set up a condolence team led by deputy general manager and safety director Bao Mingkui and other relevant leaders to visit frontline staff working during the holiday period. They extended warm holiday greetings and conveyed the chairman's concerns to employees at production sites.  The comfort team carefully inspected construction operations and addressed personal issues with workers, offering heartfelt greetings to those who remained dedicated to their duties throughout the holiday. When the condolence team arrived at the drilling construction site and saw the employees in high spirits and working in an orderly manner during the holidays, they said: "Seeing that the employees have such energy makes them more confident in completing the work tasks throughout the year". At the same time, when discussing with the person in charge of the well team, Deputy General Manager and Safety Director Bao Mingkui emphasized: "Since the start of construction this year, shallow wells have been moved frequently. All teams must pay attention to and strengthen safety management, and put the people-oriented concept of production safety through the entire production process, it is proposed that "only when personnel are safe can we truly care about employees and provide the greatest benefits to employees." Safety management must be done well, and project departments and on-site managers are required to perform their duties and effectively implement safety work as an overriding priority. Finally, he said: "Faced with the complex and ever-changing market environment, managers must encourage employees to adjust their mentality and achieve a win-win situation for the company and individuals; they must ideologically guide employees to cherish their hard-won market share, proactively organize construction under secure conditions, and aim for remarkable achievements in the future." (Text/Picture Feng Yu)
新疆正通邀請克拉瑪依市衛生監督所開展職業健康宣講活動 Xinjiang Zhengtong invited Karamay Municipal Health Supervision Institute to carry out occupational health promotion activities
4月29日下午,新疆正通邀請克拉瑪依市衛生監督所到公司開展職業健康宣講活動,公司相關領導和各部門人員參加。 2024年4月25日至5月1日是第22個全國《職業病防護法》宣傳周,爲進一步促進職業健康發展,随着自治區衛健委、自治區民政廳、克拉瑪依市政府主辦的新疆職業健康宣講活動啓動儀式圓滿成功,公司積極響應政府職業健康工作,特邀請克拉瑪依市衛生監督所到公司開展職業健康宣講,讓員工更進一步了解職業健康的重要性和迫切性。會上,克拉瑪依市衛生監督所的工作人員對職業病概念、職業病危害因素、分類、職業病危害申報、建設項目與職業病防治“三同時”以及企業在勞動過程中對職業病的防護和管理等做了深入淺出的講解。在宣講過程中員工對心中的疑慮進行了提問,宣講人員一一進行了解答,現場氣氛活躍,使宣講活動達到了預期效果。 最後,宣講人員對現場參訓員工進行了考試、發放了《職業病防治法》宣傳冊和查閱了公司職業衛生健康開展情況影像資料,并對公司紮實開展職業健康工作給予了肯定和表揚。下一步,公司将積極參與、探讨職業病防護的新思路、新方法,進一步促進公司職業健康向更高層次邁進。(圖/文 安全環保部 張龍) On the afternoon of April 29, Xinjiang Zhengtong invited the Karamay Health Supervision Institute to carry out occupational health promotion activities. Relevant company leaders and personnel from various departments participated. April 25 to May 1, 2024 is the 22nd National "Occupational Disease Protection Law" Publicity Week. To further promote the development of occupational health, with Xinjiang Occupational Health hosted by Autonomous Region Health Commission, Autonomous Region Civil Affairs Bureau, and Karamay Municipal Government, ceremony of the publicity activity was a complete success. The company actively responded to the government's occupational health work and specially invited the Karamay Health Supervision Institute conduct occupational health publicity so that employees could further understand the importance and urgency of occupational health. At the meeting, staff of Karamay Health Supervision Institute gave an in-depth and simple explanation on concepts of occupational diseases, hazards, classifications, reporting procedures, the "three simultaneities" of construction projects and occupational disease prevention and control, as well as the protection and management of occupational diseases during the labor process of enterprises. explanation. During the presentation process, employees asked questions about their doubts, and the presentation staff answered them one by one. The atmosphere was active and the presentation event achieved the expected results. Finally, the speakers conducted examinations for attending employees, distributed promotional materials on the "Occupational Disease Prevention and Control Law," reviewed images documenting the company's occupational health activities, and positively acknowledged and praised the company's solid efforts in occupational health. In the next step, the company will actively participate in and explore new ideas and methods for occupational disease protection to further promote the company's occupational health to a higher level. (Photo/Text Zhang Long, Safety and Environmental Protection Department)
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正通油氣不斷推動上市工作。通過做大做強公司主業,實現資本市場與産業經營的有效結合,企業發展與社會發展的和諧統一。 Zhengtong Oil and Gas continues to promote the work of listing. By expanding and strengthening the company's main business, we can achieve the effective combination of capital market and industrial management, and the harmonious unity of enterprise development and social development.
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